[with english summary below] Heute schlage ich eine neue Seite auf im Buch meines (Arbeits-)Lebens und gehe mit meinem Unternehmen Kommunikation 3.0 an den Start.
S3-Patterns als Kommunikationstools
Im Rahmen von Agilität und Kommunikation experimentiere ich mit allerlei Instrumenten aus dem Bereich der Selbstorganisation, die ich zu Kommunikationszwecken teilweise abwandle, teilweise auch ein-zu-eins als Kommunikationstools einsetze. „S3-Patterns als Kommunikationstools“ weiterlesen
Kommunikation im agilen Kontext
Im Rahmen der Workshop Tage von CH Open haben wir eine Veranstaltung zum Thema Kommunikation im agilen Kontext angeboten. Dabei haben wir verschiedene Fragestellungen gestreift, bearbeitet und reflektiert. „Kommunikation im agilen Kontext“ weiterlesen
How S3 could influence the way we discuss
In a course on Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) I learnt about the consent decision making. It seems to me that this is a very mighty pattern that could totally change the way we make decisions and even how we come to an understanding. It’s not about democracy and perhaps even more astonishingly it’s not about accurate argumentation, either.
„How S3 could influence the way we discuss“ weiterlesen
Everything to know about electricity OR Wenn de Chuähag eim eis fitzt
[mit deutscher Zusammenfassung] I’ve been growing up in a small village on the countryside. There you still know the animals. Cows, for example. Since people don’t want the cows walking through the village they take certain precautions. They put electric fences around the meadows. My witty mind tells me that there has to be some electricity in those fences, since cows are rather big animals and it probably won’t do if the fence only tickles the cow.
„Everything to know about electricity OR Wenn de Chuähag eim eis fitzt“ weiterlesen
How to create communication tools
Someone asked me how you can improve interpersonal communication. I needed a while before I understood the question: It is about the process of finding solutions and of what these solutions can be. I use to work iteratively. That way you get a lot of feedback and insights in the problem and the possible solutions while working on new tools for communication.
The Triangle of Stability
Sociocracy 3.0 provides structures of stability. It is based on patterns that structure communicative interactions to collaborate as equivalents. The triangle can symbolize this: Ever forgotten to buy a cross-brace at IKEA and watching your shelf collapse? The triangle is what gives a square shelf stability…
„The Triangle of Stability“ weiterlesen
Scrum in higher education (Part III): What I’ve learnt from working with Scrum
I let my Students at a University of Applied Sciences work with Scrum for one semester. My learning is, that you can apply Scrum in very different contexts, because its simple rules make self-organization feasible and the transparency gives a good bases for communication.
„Scrum in higher education (Part III): What I’ve learnt from working with Scrum“ weiterlesen
Scrum in higher education (Part II): How my students worked with Scrum
My students at a University of Applied Sciences in economics worked with Scrum for one semester to produce concepts and texts for corporate communication for their fictional companies.
„Scrum in higher education (Part II): How my students worked with Scrum“ weiterlesen
Scrum in higher education (Part I): How I introduced Scrum to my students
I wanted my students to be more intrinsically motivated so I introduced them to Scrum and let them work totally self-organized for a whole semester. Here are my thoughts about how I set up the framework in my special context.
„Scrum in higher education (Part I): How I introduced Scrum to my students“ weiterlesen