Learn to un-learn


This week I spent a few days at a course on sociocracy 3.0. It was very inspiring and I had a lot of learnings regarding collaboration and communication. I’ll write about this later. Today I want to set a perspective on a very special learning I had on the side of the course: Un-learning works better with an outside perspective.
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Everything to know about electricity OR Wenn de Chuähag eim eis fitzt


[mit deutscher Zusammenfassung] I’ve been growing up in a small village on the countryside. There you still know the animals. Cows, for example. Since people don’t want the cows walking through the village they take certain precautions. They put electric fences around the meadows. My witty mind tells me that there has to be some electricity in those fences, since cows are rather big animals and it probably won’t do if the fence only tickles the cow.
„Everything to know about electricity OR Wenn de Chuähag eim eis fitzt“ weiterlesen

About the effectivity of efficiency or About the possible effects of not folding socks


Following the thoughts of my last blogpost I try to explore efficiency a bit more. As mentioned, I am very busy lately and there is not much time for just doing nothing. But last Saturday I had nothing to do that really had to be done. And although I knew there was plenty of things that will have to be done soon, I enjoyed doing nothing.
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