Im Rahmen der Workshop Tage von CH Open haben wir eine Veranstaltung zum Thema Kommunikation im agilen Kontext angeboten. Dabei haben wir verschiedene Fragestellungen gestreift, bearbeitet und reflektiert. „Kommunikation im agilen Kontext“ weiterlesen
Agile Kommunikation – Wann sind wir wirklich auf Augenhöhe
Am AgileTalksDay18 in Hamburg durfte ich zum Thema Agile Kommunikation und Augenhöhe sprechen. Ich habe aufgezeigt, was Kommunikation nach agilen Werten bedeuten kann, was Beispiele für Augenhöhe in der Kommunikation sind und wo möglicherweise Grenzen liegen.
„Agile Kommunikation – Wann sind wir wirklich auf Augenhöhe“ weiterlesen
Agile Kommunikation – Bin ich auf Augenhöhe
Gestern durfte ich am Meetup Agile HR in Zürich meine Überlegungen zur Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe vorstellen. Ich habe viele Beispiele mitgebracht und das Publikum hat intensiv diskutiert.
„Agile Kommunikation – Bin ich auf Augenhöhe“ weiterlesen
How S3 could influence the way we discuss
In a course on Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) I learnt about the consent decision making. It seems to me that this is a very mighty pattern that could totally change the way we make decisions and even how we come to an understanding. It’s not about democracy and perhaps even more astonishingly it’s not about accurate argumentation, either.
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Learn to un-learn
This week I spent a few days at a course on sociocracy 3.0. It was very inspiring and I had a lot of learnings regarding collaboration and communication. I’ll write about this later. Today I want to set a perspective on a very special learning I had on the side of the course: Un-learning works better with an outside perspective.
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There is no „I“ in Team – Or are there?
A couple of weeks ago a had a discussion with some students about how to communicate respectfully with customers and how to address oneself in certain situations: One or I or we? Language can be a means to construct relationships and culture – with customers and within a team.
„There is no „I“ in Team – Or are there?“ weiterlesen
About the effectivity of efficiency or About the possible effects of not folding socks
Following the thoughts of my last blogpost I try to explore efficiency a bit more. As mentioned, I am very busy lately and there is not much time for just doing nothing. But last Saturday I had nothing to do that really had to be done. And although I knew there was plenty of things that will have to be done soon, I enjoyed doing nothing.
„About the effectivity of efficiency or About the possible effects of not folding socks“ weiterlesen
How to measure value
The economic struggle makes Scrum at Scale into a money-factor. While doing projects you have to consider what features actually have business value. But value isn’t only a questions of making money. There are other factors that are linked indirectly to money. Or that are even not at all connected to it.
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Kommunikation im agilen Umfeld: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze
Unser Workshop an der LAS 2017 ist auf grosses Interesse gestossen. Wir haben dort die Frage aufgeworfen, was den Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze sind im Bezug auf die Kommunikation im agilen Kontext. „Kommunikation im agilen Umfeld: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze“ weiterlesen
Agile Communication and Soft Skills
It is a known fact that personal communication is a key to success in agile environments: You need to communicate to collaborate and self-organize as a team. That means: You need to have certain soft skills, especially social und and communicative competencies.
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