About the effectivity of efficiency or About the possible effects of not folding socks


Following the thoughts of my last blogpost I try to explore efficiency a bit more. As mentioned, I am very busy lately and there is not much time for just doing nothing. But last Saturday I had nothing to do that really had to be done. And although I knew there was plenty of things that will have to be done soon, I enjoyed doing nothing.
„About the effectivity of efficiency or About the possible effects of not folding socks“ weiterlesen

Kommunikation 3.0

Sketch zum Thema Simple Characters

*Picture above: Mischa Demarmels, „Simple Characters“ on Sketching Arena

[with english summary] Was ist agile Kommunikation? Was für Ansprüche stellt ein agiles Umfeld an Kommunikation? Welche Werkzeuge kann Kommunikation 3.0 zur Verfügung stellen? Und welche Haltung setzt eine agile Kommunikation bei den Sprecherinnen und Sprechern voraus? Diesen und ähnlichen Fragen gehe ich in meinem Blog nach.
„Kommunikation 3.0“ weiterlesen